'The Sun Stood Still' is a visual representation of the scene from The Old Testament Book of Joshua where the
sun is commanded to stand still so that a battle may be won.
The Canticle of Mary |
2007 |
'The Canticle of Mary' is based upon the New Testament: Luke, 1 where Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, who is
also pregnant, and the two women rejoice.
The Messenger Of The Covenant |
2008 |
'The Messenger Of The Covenant' - the messenger is Elijah referred to in Malachi, 3:1 and these words are quoted
by Christ as referring to John the Baptist in Matthew 11:10, who prepared the way for the coming of the Saviour.
'The Fig Tree' draws upon references comprising: Zechariah 3: 10 and Matthew 24: 32-35. The tree represents
not only a protective entity in the former but also a nuturing in the latter which ultimately comforts and stengthens.
'The Wings Of Dawn' is based upon King David's appeal to God in Psalm 139. Here he asks God to know him as he
accounts for what he feels might not be divine thoughts yet axiomatically must be given God was well aware of him from his
'The Potter's Vessel' implies a portrayal of God as a potter molding man's body out of clay. There is a play
on words here between the Hebrew word adam "man" and adama "ground". Being: literally, "soul". The Scriptural references are
Genesis 2,7 and Jeremiah 18,1-4 where the lesson implied is that God does not deal arbitrarily with his people but that he
is almighty with the power to destroy or restore, accordingly as they disobey him or fulfill his plans. The thread is further
extrapolated in Romans 9, 21-24.
The Song of the Sword |
2008 |
'The Song of the Sword' can be found in Zechariah 13: 7- 9 and is elaborated upon in the New Testament by
the evangelist in Matthew 26, 31. Both references lead up to and illustrate the words of Christ shortly prior to his arrest
in the Garden of Olives and the flight of the Apostles.
'The Flying Scroll' represents the enormous scroll referred to in Zechariah, 5: 1 - 5. The dimensions of the scriptural
scroll are those of the portico to Solomon's temple and contains a list of maledictions on sinners. The work further alludes
to the scroll of Revelation, 5: 1 - 5 which is a papyrus scroll in God's right hand with seven seals indicating the importance
of the message. Upon the painting is embedded the Holy name of God; Tetragrammaton - YHWH.